Friday, September 24, 2010

The Battle of iphone4 between Maxis vs Digi

All malaysian is watching this battle between these two giant telco.

Many of us might not analyse the plan deeply, hope this post will provide better insight for malaysian to choose the right telco according to your needs.

After few days of comparing the plan and visiting the outlet, I had come out the mind of sharing this analytical comparison to all phone user in malaysia especially those who like to purchase iphone with telco.

Please be bare in mind the information I had posted below is for your information only. If the calculation is wrong, please highlight to me, so that I can make adjustment.


There are 3 cases I had make for comparison purposes.

1. Phone & Plan Cost Comparison

From case 1 & 2 favorable to Digi.

From case 3 favorable to Maxis.

Possibility of Additional Cost
Maxis send to other network will be charge, at the meanwhile Digi is free to all network.
This can't really justify the value, depend on your friends' network and your usage as well. If you have alots of friends is using others network, then you will be prefer the operator that allow you to use the free 200 SMS/MMS. Maxis will charge additional 0.10 per SMS / 0.50 per MMS. Your Friends , Your Choice.

2. Financial Comparison

Digi provide easy payment plan for their user, Maxis does not do so. For those who like to opts for Maxis, you need to pay up front RM1390 + RM400 (prepayment) = RM1790.00 to start the plan with iphone4.

Digi give you pay ony RM153.24 to start with Digi with iphone4.

3. Service Comparison

This is really depend on which operator you prefer, I think they have their own strengths and weaknesses.

4. Switching Cost

The switching cost is fairly low and easy. You can refer to any below for more information

I think this is the battle is already begin. Choose the right telco that fit your need.

Make wise spending on the right selection! Consume Logically, Benefit the Economy & Consumer!
If you have any comment, please make it here, so we can include it for other reference.

1 comment:

  1. how about sent sms to other telco?since maxis charge you with the sms rate as the free sms is for maxis to maxis only?although you wont overuse your free sms,thats extra pay.there will be no way you'll not sent sms to other telco right?
